Merry Christmas
(photo by Premkumar Devdoss 2015)
Thank you for following my blog all year long. I have really enjoyed reading all your comments and following many of you back on your own personal blogs. I now have friends from all over the world who I interact with regularly. It’s truly inspiring connecting with their posts and their books. I wish you all the happiest of holidays, in spite of this lousy Omicron variant rearing its ugly head. Please take care of each other and especially look out for the lonely, elderly people who live in your building, complex or street. Winter can be a difficult time for them, even getting groceries when it’s icy on the roads. For those of you who have children, enjoy the magic of the season. Take lots of photos; you will cherish them later in life. Even though Christmas is exhausting after shopping and cooking, there is something wonderful about eating the leftovers for three days straight. Cheers to 2022 being a better year. Hopefully we are seeing a weaker strain of this awful virus because it is gradually dying out.