My 2022 Predictions
(photo by Kath Salier 2014)
As this awful year comes to a close, I feel ready take a stab at what good things might lie ahead for us. I am generally an optimist and since none of us need any more bad news at this point, I will stick to that outlook.
First, I feel pretty confident that we will all get Omicron very soon. We will all feel flu-like symptoms and then it will gradually phase itself out and the pandemic will come to a grinding halt. This will take about a year and then our lives will get back to normal. We will need annual boosters, like flu shots, for at least ten years.
Economic recovery will begin and there will be a hiring boom like we have never seen before. People who were relying on benefits because of health issues and fear of exposure will get back into the job market. All the “help wanted” signs will gradually come down from windows. Hopefully every healthcare worker in the world will get a nice long vacation.
Facebook will radically change its format. Everyone is complaining and saying they hate Facebook and that it’s just for old people and apparently I am one of them. I still want to keep in touch with my friends and family this way. But the young viewpoint is everything on social media so it will need to adapt or risk dying like a dinosaur.
Supersonic air travel will become a reality again. Nasa and Lockheed Martin are already working on a quiet version of the old Concorde technology so we could see ourselves flying across the oceans at 1000 mph very soon. They will even figure out how to make it affordable. This is good news for anyone with relatives in Chile or Australia.
Finally, on a personal level, I will get to see my daughter more than once in the coming year. I have not seen her for two years, but after we all catch Covid, we will be able to move freely and travel again without fear. I am so looking forward to this.
So, let’s try to stay optimistic and hopeful. Wishing you are yours all the best in 2022. Please share your thoughts / predictions below.