Living with Chronic Pain

(image by Kane Young Apr. 24, 2010)

As I am recently retired and have just moved to a new town, I have joined several Meetup groups to try and make new friends. This has been a great experience and these women’s groups have been welcoming and friendly. In chatting with these women, I am struck by how many of us are living with chronic pain.

I have three degenerative discs at the bottom of my spine which have caused me gradually worsening chronic pain for the last fifteen years. I have tried every treatment known to man, including laser light therapy, acupuncture, prolotherapy, plasma injections (at great expense), and finally cortisone shots. None of these have helped in any significant way.

So, I stay as active as I can. I used to go to a gym until Covid hit, but then I bought a second-hand elliptical machine for home. I also do a yoga class and walk on the non-workout days. I sit on an ice pack every evening while I watch tv. I take a lot of Ibuprofen, which my doctor says is okay, as long as it’s not more than eight per day. She has never suggested back surgery because she thinks it’s too high risk.

I have met women with MS, bipolar disorder, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, long-term shingles, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain from previous injuries. I’m amazed at their strength to keep moving and make the most of their lives by getting out, exercising as best they can, and socializing. It takes a certain gumption and strength of character to keep going. We are all motivated by the saying, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.”

Younger people reading this might think this is the most boring, irrelevant post they’ve ever seen. I would encourage them to take care of their bodies and joints and avoid high risk activities. Even if you are an adrenaline junkie, there are safe ways to burn off that energy. Injuries which seem trivial and comical when we are young often catch up to us later in the form of chronic pain. I think of the Jackass movies my husband loves and how these guys will fare now they get older. It doesn’t bode well.

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Do you have any coping strategies that work for you?

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