The Friday Blog

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The Post-Project Hangover

(image by Keira Burton on

No matter what you’re passionate about or what line of work you’re in, there is always an ongoing project. You might be trying to finish reading a book by a particular date or trying to complete a half-marathon, the feeling is always the same when you’re done. There’s a sense of accomplishment, which lasts a few weeks. Then, for me at least, there’s this let-down.

After recently completing my fourth book, I now feel this profoundly, like a hangover. I was so stressed in the weeks leading up to publication and then trying to quickly fix the typos in my proof copy, that my adrenaline was pumping. Now I’m experiencing a crash. I’m totally unmotivated to start another writing project.

I think it’s healthy to pause and re-examine why we do the things we do. This is especially true for hobbies more than paid work. We cannot easily walk away from our job. We can, however, give up on a personal mission.

What did I want to accomplish when I started writing anyhow? I wanted to write a book and create a website to promote my work. Mission accomplished. Now what do I want? I have no idea. I feel that I am at a turning point.

Since I have the luxury of being retired, I can pursue whatever hobbies I want. I am drawn to other things like painting, getting my guitar and flute out of the closet, exploring my new hometown, making new friends, and volunteering more. Perhaps I should set my goals in a different direction now.

I have friends who have taken up new challenges both at work and in their personal lives at every age. My husband just started volunteering. My sister-in-law counts how many times she can run up the Grouse Grind in a season. We are all intrinsically motivated by different things. Usually, we are driven by a desire to improve something in our lives.

What is a personal goal you have?  Please share a comment below.