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New Year’s Resolutions Suck!

(phot by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash)

I have not made any New Year’s resolutions since I was a teenager. Personally, I find that they set me up for feeling like a failure. It’s not possible or healthy to try and change your behavior overnight, especially as you get older and more set in your routines.

Many people look to the new year to change their lives. I believe that long-term goal setting is healthier and more realistic. For example, if you want to lose weight, set your sights on summer to lose ten pounds. Accept that you will have good days and bad, but if you can make some gradual changes, like taking smaller portions, or walking for ten minutes at the end of lunch break, this will be attainable.

If you want to set a lifestyle goal, say reading more, then set aside a convenient time to make this happen. If you like to read with coffee in the morning, then allow 15 extra minutes for this or take your book to work for your break times. These tiny increments are more likely to succeed.

I also don’t believe that you should announce your goals to others. As soon as you tell people your goal, you are putting external pressure on yourself to meet their expectations instead of just your own. Keep it private unless you have a trusted buddy who shares the same goal and wants to work towards it with you.

My New Year’s goal is to begin some online tutoring until the end of June to supplement my income. I have already met my first two students once and expect to add a few more shortly. In July, I will reassess whether I like it or wish to discontinue.

Do you have a small life tweak you’d like to accomplish this coming year? Please share a comment below.