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The Greatest Gift Ever

(photo by Tomas Anton Escobar on Unsplash)

The greatest gift I ever received was three months free room and board at my aunt and uncle’s home in London England. It was 1986 and I was twenty-three years old. I stayed for the whole summer and this allowed me to get a temp job and save up enough money to keep traveling through Europe. I worked in a huge car rental firm as a front desk customer service and booking clerk. As I tried to recreate the British accent I had as a small child, everyone thought I was Australian.

I was fortunate to have a lovely workmate named Lynn, who wanted to help me learn the ropes and also took me on weekend trips. We went and stayed in her family’s caravan (trailer in Canadian) and drove around the countryside visiting ancient pubs and landmarks. We laughed so much that working there was loads of fun.

The best part of this trip was getting to know my aunt and uncle really well. They were lovely people, and I gained a sense of where my dad came from by having long chats with his sister every night. She would smoke and tell me about life in Germany as child before the Holocaust forced them to leave without their parents. It was powerful to hear their tragic story because my dad never shared much.

Both my cousins were away that summer, but I went and spent a weekend with Cousin Robbie at his university in Leeds. He was hilarious and we hit it off immediately. As we left a restaurant, he stopped and shamelessly ate someone else’s leftovers off their plate. He took me bar hopping and I woke up hungover next to his roommate. Not my finest hour.

After the summer, I was able to go to Denmark, Holland, France, and Italy before flying home to Vancouver. I was lucky enough to have free accommodation with relatives or friends of friends in every place I went. So, I only had to pay for train tickets, food, and entertainment. The highlight was seeing every gallery in Florence, as well as a naked Russian punk band in the square. Seeing them jump up and down as they rocked out was very enlightening.

I think the best gifts in life are offerings of hospitality. These opportunities to share time with new people and places make the most impact on our lives. They offer us growth, as we learn new languages, customs, and places, which broaden our view of the world. They create unforgettable memories.

What was the greatest gift you ever received? Please share a comment below.