Trying Something New
(photo by Rifqi Ali Ridho on Unsplash)
As the dark and rainy days of late fall settle in, I find myself turning to indoor activities to provide some creative outlet and lift my spirits. Sometimes fear of failure holds me back, but it only takes a small spark in the back of my mind to get started. There’s likely some hobby you’ve been thinking about trying for years, but haven’t had the confidence to try.
For me, this year, it’s painting. My daughter gave me a set of acrylic paints and brushes for my birthday a few months ago. I have since discovered that almost everything else I need is available at the dollar store. They have cheap canvas boards that I can reuse if I just paint over them white, as well as paintbrushes that are good enough for beginners. Keep in mind that I have no previous experience, not even high school drawing class.
The hard part, for most of us, is carving out some time. I have three women friends who also wanted to learn, and we are now meeting every Friday after work to share a drink, snacks, and follow along with an instructional video. In just two hours, we can complete a nature scene that is pretty good, as in recognizable and pleasant to look at. I feel a real sense of accomplishment every time, like wow, I am really doing this!
So, if there’s something you’ve been putting off trying because you think you’re too old or lack the necessary skills, I would urge you to take the leap. You might find something you really enjoy that is even better than watching Netflix (which I also do plenty of). Even if you don’t have a friend to jump in with you, that’s okay, there are plenty of solitary hobbies. If you do want some support, try either instructional videos on YouTube, or look at in your area. There you will find local groups for table or card games, building collections, arts and crafts, etc. Plus, you’ll get the added bonus of making new friends. Your local recreation center also offers classes to help get those happiness hormones flowing.
So, what activity would you like to try this winter? Please leave a comment below.