Favorite Mythological Creatures
My favorite mythological creature is the Selkie of Scottish/Irish/ Celtic lore. It is a gentle, beautiful woman who is also a shapeshifter because she can don a sealskin to disguise herself. Often, she will come onto land in human form and mate with a male of her choosing. Sometimes, a man falls in love with her and steals her sealskin to force him to stay with her, but she is too clever and will find a way to escape his grasp. I love how fiercely independent she is and how she loves the sea as much as I do.
Do not confuse them with the Kelpie, which is the more dangerous male version. He can appear on land as a horse and entice humans to ride on his back, carrying them down to a watery grave. Kelpies are closely associated with inland waters, such as lochs and rivers. Mothers warned their children of Kelpies to keep them away from the shore to avoid drowning. They can be tamed by putting a bridle on them.
In Norse mythology, Rán is a goddess and a personification of the sea. Rán has nine daughters, who appear as waves. This goddess is frequently associated with a net, which she uses to capture sea-goers. Her husband Aegir is also a giant sea god.
Mermaids in Old Norse, called Margygr, were commonly adored by fishermen for their beauty and benevolent power to help them while at sea. The male version, or mermen, were referred to as "Marmennill" or "Marbendlar," and they were often depicted as bearded, half-human, sea monsters who could be malevolent and dangerous.
Do you have a favorite mythological creature? Please subscribe/ share a comment below.
Please note: next week I will be going in for major surgery to repair my esophagus, so I will not be posting anything for the coming month of August. Thank you for your continued support. Enjoy the great summer weather and fun outdoor activities.