Where Can I Find Optimism?

As winter drags on, and most of North America is buried in snow, many people are finding it hard to see a glimmer of light right now. I am reading so many posts on social media about depression. So where can we find optimism?

I try to think about all the people who have received their Covid vaccine already, instead of focusing on how many are waiting. Every day there are thousands more who are safe and not spreading it to others. Gradually a wave of good health is spreading across the continent. Soon we will be able to travel again and see our loved ones. Think of all the hard-working nurses who are jabbing people right now as you read this.

Look to your pets; they are always in a good mood. If you don’t have one, then go into a pet store or volunteer to walk a dog at the SPCA. This will lift your spirits and get you out of your own head for an hour.

Join something, anything online. What are you passionate about? Knights and castles? Saving the world’s bees? Irish whiskey? Research online and find out everything you can about your favorite thing and if you search this keyword or #hashtag on any social media site, you will find others who share your passion to chat with.

Don’t forget to listen to music. Whenever I’m alone in the house, music makes me feel less alone and happier. If you can get up and dance or sing, even better. Who cares what the neighbors are doing? I can assure you they are not bothered. You could do naked yoga on the floor and they would only be jealous.  

Fear not, spring is coming. Here on the west coast, we can already see buds on many shrubs and trees. Garden shops have just re-opened and most places will even deliver. Go ahead and choose a new inexpensive plant to put in your window. Perhaps you even have room for a box of herbs on your tiny balcony. Getting your hands into some dirt always brings joy.

So, enjoy the little things as much as you can and here’s wishing you good mental health. Please share any small way you have found to lighten the mood recently.



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