Board Games Bring Us Together

(photo by Nuno Cardoso)

I just had six intense days with my grown kids and their spouses under our roof for a late Christmas reunion. We could not risk going out to restaurants or activities because two of them had to pass their Covid screenings to fly back to the U.S. afterwards. The solution? We played loads of Board games every evening.

Board games are one of the few old fashioned, non-digital activities that have stood the test of time. They also remind us of our childhood and the togetherness of family -if you were lucky enough to experience this. The same old rivalries instantly reappear, like the father-son battle for dominance and the little cheats you offer your sibling to get ahead of the parents as a team. The tables have turned now though because it is the kids who are teaching the parents all the newest games. We learned how to play Exploding Kittens, Camel Up and Cards Against Humanity this time around. My stepson always brings new games because he is very social and loves having friends over. It’s great how he explains the rules so clearly and patiently to us old fools.

Then we pulled out the old staples like Pictionary, which is always hilarious, as well as Boggle, Scategories and poker. We have been betting small amounts of cash with them for family poker since they were teens because it’s so exciting for them to beat us and win the pot when it’s real money. We also still love doing Mad Libs, albeit with much racier content now, especially once the alcohol is flowing. We are a pretty wordy family so anything that plays with language is fun for us.

It was interesting to compare the board game experience to the Nintendo Switch, which they played late at night when we were all getting tired. They still loved competing with each other, but there was no discussion or face-to-face interaction. They could stop talking, zone out, and simply react instead of thinking.  It was a good way for them to wind down before bed.

So, if you haven’t played board games for a while, it’s worth giving it a fresh look. There are many excellent new options on the market that will test your brain power and make you laugh. Do you have a favorite board game?


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